Hey. I thought about my last decisions I've made and decided on this final decision.
I'll delete the music I have currently uploaded since I won't upload the rest of the projects they're from. Instead, I'll put up solo things only. I'm working on a solo album that, unlike the projects, I guarantee will actually get finished eventually. A solo album called Rod of Danger.
I'm sure that based on my sense of humour you could tell what kind of rod we're talking of. The working title was gonna be Phallus Adventurous. I decided Rod of Danger sounded way better so I'm going with it. I'm recording the first song soon, and I'll upload the Rod of Danger album on here since cock jokes are NG's thing. Don't worry, my christian grindcore project is still ongoing, and Last Breath is on pause still but at some point should be back up and working. Those projects won't be put here though.
I'm gonna change my username to Korndog soon. Keeping it as SuperPCGamer for now so people get this before the change. Don't need any confusion going about!
Few promises for Rod of Danger:
• a song about shoving my dick into a toaster
• a song about tying my cock into a balloon animal
• a song about my cock detaching itself and flying away
• it'll have some metal
• but it'll start out soft
• and get harder as the album progresses
• just like my cock
• I sound very drunk on some songs
• the coolest album cover ever
So yeah, be ready for all that. Fuck, I might even make a CD. I'm just afraid nobody would buy it.
And remember:
ΣÄ┐ 1° D!qK§
Remember what now? Can't decipher that. Reminds me of Elon Musk's latest baby.
Album plan sounds entertaining, name change sounds good, though all this constant deletion... man this is why I shy away from reviewing some people's work. When there's the notion it just won't last anyway.
Well I mean you should still review because that way they know how you felt before they removed it.
Besides, nothing lasts forever.
Also, ΣÄ┐ 1° D!qK§ means "Eat 10 dicks".