Rod of Danger by Killer RAT is going through many changes. First off, I thought it was gonna be a mix of hard rock and metal, but now I've decided primarily punk with some metal here and there.
I rerecorded Toaster Love and practically rewrote a lot of the song--AND IT'S ONLY 3 MINUTES THIS TIME! Which is a good thing!
Demoing is fun.
Also I changed my mind. I'll upload the finished songs before people buy. They should be allowed to hear it first. You still can't download it. But on bandcamp when the album's done I'll let yall buy it digitally. CDs will cost more but the first 5 to be sold will be signed, the first 3 to be sold will have an unreleased bonus track. Not uploading to soundclown because there are soundclown converters out there--and I know they work cause I've used them--so no weseling out of that. You may listen for free but don't download for free please. Not at least until I get more fans. Once I do maybe I'll allow free download cause then more fans means bigger chance of more supportive ones and the supportive ones will donate even if they can download for free.
About to upload Toaster Love--keeping the demo up for comparison purposes only.
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