I thought I wasn't enjoying any of this, but on my latest demo I made, I have quite a bit of fun with it! I know I'll have fun with the final one too, cause this one came out so good compared to Toaster Love that I probably hardly have to change it! Just rerecording mostly! And it's great honestly. I just HATE Toaster Love because of all the rewriting and remaking and bullshit I had to do to it because of how lame the demo came out. But I'm feeling great now! My new song is a bit of the hEAvy mEtAl variety. Pretty heffy. Go listen! NOW! OR YOU DIE!
people who might care:
Got no speakers/headphones/stuff at work yo but if I'm still alive when I get home...
you won't be my song rocks so hard it kills everyone who doesn't listen to it when they first find about it
thankyaw for commenting xoxo