I will never forget.
The old UI, the General forum, shockwave flash actually working in browser...it's all gone. I will never forget. Newgrounds is so...empty.

Trash Boat @guyfromKillerRAT

Age 18, Male

In my room, alone.

Joined on 5/27/17

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I will never forget.

Posted by guyfromKillerRAT - November 23rd, 2023

I will never forget.

The old UI, the General forum, Shockwave Flash actually working in browser...it's all gone. I will never forget. Newgrounds is so...empty. I don't know why I check it anymore.

I'm not some 30something year old guy who remembers what it was like in 2004, so if you want to know the UI I was used to and miss so dearly, go to internet archive and go to any year between 2012 and 2018. This is the Newgrounds I knew best. When that UI went away and we got the current one, I immediately disliked it. How couldn't I? Tankman was gone from the top of my screen and everything looked all minimalist! I eventually got over myself a little, but as time has gone on, I have hated this UI more and more and more and more. Especially recently. There's no more textures behind the categories, just black with white Arial font, which looks incredibly boring. Not to mention, there's no drop-down anymore to view certain subcategories of each category! And you can't even select which category you're searching in from the home before actually searching it anymore - you have to search it first, then you get to choose the category. And, let's be real, the Newgrounds logo as is it right now is fucking sad. Now, you might be thinking, "Wait, what's wrong with it? All that changed was that the text became less rounded!" But doesn't it look incomplete to you? Like something's just, missing? Tankman. Having Tankman next to it is what made that logo cool. Now he's just gone.

The bottom of the screen used to have a buff Tankman with his helmet off. Then, at some point, I recall it being a Madness Combat agent. I can't remember for sure if it was only on Madness Days, but I do believe it became that permanently at some point. Yeah, that's gone now, too. And it's never coming back. Fuck, dude, look at Alien Hominid Invasion's artwork! It's just lacking that same soul the original Alien Hominid's art style had! I mean, it almost looks corporate. Newgrounds as a whole looks, and sometimes even feels more corporate now.

Flash dying is not the fault of Newgrounds or anyone who works for them. I'm going to keep it brief since everyone already whined about it when it happened, but you know, I really don't care. Using NG's external Flash player or the Ruffle Flash emulator isn't the same as running the real Shockwave Flash Player from before it was killed.

But the biggest blow Newgrounds has taken, I feel, is the closing of the General forum. Yes, there was drama, and yes, there were toxic people. So what? Do you think we also need to completely close down Discord, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, and every other social media platform? You just cannot expect toxicity to not exist in public spaces. As long as people exist, toxic ones will as well. That's just the way the world works and has always worked. But I have never truly gotten over the closing of the General forum. That was like my online home, an actual community I could be a part of. I had left Facebook and Twitter because there were too many arguments and too much radicalism that I couldn't seem to escape, and I couldn't find enough good moments on these platforms for it to feel worthwhile sorting through all the garbage and all the hate. I had to leave Discord for a long time and only recently have I been willing to come out of my shell and go back there because I had to deal with a lot of doxxing and harassment there that I never dealt with here. Yes, I know some people on here were horrible like that and it did happen to some people. It never happened to me and as long as it hasn't, I will always be biased when it comes to safety. I've always felt way more safe on Newgrounds than any other platform I've ever been on. I actually managed to feel a sense of community, a sense of belonging when I started using the General forum more. I found people who'd actually accept me, who'd share my sometimes off-putting sense of humor, and who'd actually engage with me in conversation in a way that was pleasant. I'd actually come back to new notifications every day of people replying to me in the forum, giving me something to do and someone to talk to when I had nothing. And now it's all gone because, apparently, "you’re welcome to post about issues that are important to you on your blog but a dedicated thunderdome doesn't belong here." This refers to the Politics forum more than General, however a proper reason was never given for locking General, so this is the best we get. I lost my community because moderators couldn't handle some stupid drama, and we were all punished for it.

Here are some quotes from people who had reacted to the end of General, which really resonated with me:

"That was so sudden. I don't even know what happened..."


"Well shit. Now what?"


"What kind of retarded bullshit is this? Politics I can understand but General is too fucking far! Christ, I put in so much blood sweat and tears into the BBS since I started here and now it's fucking gone. What a load of shit...."


"Maybe bring back General."


The last post in General that is still here today is by biterrrr. It's titled "Wat to du on Newgrounds now?". That is so bittersweet, and so fitting.

In the recent words of Leif K-Brooks:

"I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection."

No. I will never forget.




As someone who was here since around 2001, hearing someone be nostalgic about 2012-2018 Newgrounds is kind of funny.

Yeah, you're a bit older than I. 2012-2018 Newgrounds is what I grew up with. I even remember when you actually had to wait for Dad N' Me to load before you could play it. Now it's instant. Which is not a complaint. But I also miss the anticipation of waiting for it to load too.

I started browsing NG actively around 2009-2010. Back then the NG already felt like it had best days behind. Already back then the NG lore was vast and incredible. But beside discovering the vast back catalog of NG, you still had not only incredible daily content for both games and animations, but also interesting creative personalities, which you wanted to follow.

For me the end happened with Africa Dudes collab - I even wrote a review there, which sums up my feelings. When I created an account in late 2014, it wasn't to be active on NG, but because I wanted to read Stamper's rants under his art again, which I couldn't do without having an account, because his art was A+ rated, which meant that it was hidden from lurkers. Already back then I treated it more as a nostalgia and a farewell matter.

Since then, the NG got some fresh blood, but frankly, I don't really care. I started collecting medals, because I thought that I will be the best medal hunter again, and surprise surprise, I was right. Nowadays I'm mostly on NG for some online games, and I don't care about anything else tbh.

There are still some interesting people, and you can compare how NG changed with the Faces of NG submission, as well as the new version, which is a tribute to the original. There is still good stuff here, but there's no point in treating NG seriously, and more importantly, social media are cancer, and internet communities are awful. Everywhere, whether it's 4chan or RYM, it just bleh.

Also, NG has probably the worst taste in music in the world. I have never seen more pedestrian, dumber, and shittier taste in music, than on NG. It's like people here are beyond super retarded. For that alone, I will never treat NG seriously. Ever.

Yeah. The FNF influx of users didn't really help since a lot of them are annoying and awkward children. Don't get me wrong, I believe people from all walks of life should be welcome here, but these people weren't the creative or interesting time. Kids of today are rarely ambitious. It's all about being the next big YouTube sensation, the next viral TikToker, or the next popular Twitch streamer. Nobody wants to actually make anything anymore. Yes, music on NG has gotten really shitty. So much shitty dubstep that it's hard to even want to check new music anymore. The vast majority of new "ska" submissions are nothing to do with ska and just some shitty electronic crap some kid made in FL Studio after using the program for only 5 minutes, and didn't know what genre their crappy EDM wannabe attempt was. Don't get me wrong, I've made some shitty music before too. Doesn't mean I don't get to complain about it. Just means I have to acknowledge it's to be expected. It's just gotten out of hand by now.

@guyfromKillerRAT Lack of ambition is one thing, but the worse is their complete lack of sense of humor, and worse of all, being an internet police, telling you what kind of opinions you can have, and reporting "inappropriate people". I make shitty music, but that's okay, because I upload stuff for myself, alas I delete some stuff from time to time, if I get bored with something, or want to reduce the amount of uploads, because I don't really want to share my stuff with NG, I just wanted to have "anything" in my profile, so it doesn't look empty, and with music, some kind of calendar to see the passing of years.

About the taste of NG, it seems like people here enjoy awful overproduced garbage. Whether it's techno/rave, or even pseuo-heavy metal music, no matter the genre, it sounds so plastic here, so lifeless, so terrible, like it was done by a robot. I will never understand the appeal, and I can only puke on those who think otherwise.

Yeah, everything made here sounds like it was made by a computer. Nothing sounds real anymore, nothing sounds like genuine human performance. It's all gone to shit.

I actually share you feelings with how much the internet has changed over the past decade, it's more individualist, comsumtionist, more about the numbers and rep than actual connection and the people is now more volatile than before. The death of General was a nasty blow, clearly a symptom of the current climate and it's a miracle that NG didn't disappeared like other places on the internet because it's also very difficult to manage when people are walking bombs and and lightning speed Missinformation.

The UI changes is thanks to smartphone, all the places has lost their design and customization in order properly be displayed and work in those devices. It sucks, but what can we do.

Yeah. The forum scene is dead now, I mean, internet forums still exist, but not the way they used to. NG's General was my favourite up until it died. I really don't care about smartphone compatibility, I'd honestly trade it for a better Newgrounds layout.

Yeah,i miss when the vote things were customised and shiny.Also since i was banned in 2017 i kind of stopped caring in coming in here as well.You guys are right,these losers have no sense of humour anymore.I am shocked to hear that General and Politics has been killed.What the hell happened man?

I think is that the badmins and shitmods could not be arsed to moderate them anymore and they were too scared of what the ´´wholesome 100 chungy wungies´´ newcomers would think of them if they saw NG being NG instead of a over-glorified daycare for Piece of shit parented brats.

Could you also show me what the Audio Tracks you are talking about? I occasionally trawl through the undiscovered artists and look through if theres some sleeper hits by some underappreciated artist or just report shitposts and Radiorips.

Dude, old voting icons were so cool. I miss that so much. If I remember right, it was Pico for games and movies, Nene for art, and Darnell for music. Good times.

General went away over some huge drama shit that mods couldn't keep up with, and the decision was that it was time to put it to rest after all these years. I still don't agree with the decision. I was on Newgrounds for many years but didn't start actively using the General forum until maybe a year or two ago, and man, was I missing out up until then! But again, it's all gone now. It's sadder than it'd be had we never had it to begin with.

Just imagine if you'd been introduced to this place before the 2012 redesign though, you'd still be missing that. :) Considering how the UI seems to generally be getting worse and worse - or rather streamlined/slimmed down for ease of use of maintenance - with certain loss of character and charm as a byproduct of such intentions - it's interesting to look back at how it was when I signed up, when initially the layout was actually pretty crappy, and improved gradually overtime, and the servers became more stable, the downtime went down, everything got bigger and better and in 2007 I feel like at least design-wise The Grounds hit their pinnacle... maybe more so with ease of use than with the visual elements though. The 2012 design was really visual, the 2007 was more so just cool, and new, and instead of dropdowns we had multiple menus so you constantly had an overview over everything... I miss that one, but not so much now, a certain number of changes in maybe you just started accepting change as the natural progressor; look back at what was better more as nostalgia than as something that actually WAS better, in a lot of ways the site does keep improving. It's faster. The filters are killer - you can find anything you want when you make the effort to. I don't miss the dropdowns at all. I do miss the pagination though. I miss the extra visuals too, and I hope we get those back. It is possible to make userscripts that can modify elements like this according to your own preference though, and have the site look just like it did in 2012 just for you - or anyone else who uses them, would be cool if somebody makes the effort to make something like that, it'd be a lot of work...

Anyway as for Flash: I'm proud of Ruffle. It sucks that Adobe killed the original plugin, but NG went beyond expectations in managing to maintain the content of old at least, while other contemporaries just shut down, or moved to HTML5 entirely, we actually kept Flash going! We're leading the charge. Other sites are using an NG product to keep the legacy alive - I have it embedded on my own site also. Seemed inevitable at first you'd have to resort to some wonky workarounds, play things offline, download an archive, use older Flash plugins without the end-of-life thing incorporated, try to embed those - security issues ensue instead - compatibility's not guaranteed - newer stuff stops working, the fact that we actually have direct browser emulation like we do now for old content is amazing IMO. Against all odds. I'm proud of that. Hope Ruffle just keeps getting better too.

In a lot of areas NG still keeps pioneering - with Swivel too - with our new APIs, it's awesome to see.

The closing of General though: I agree. Nothing good about that. Maybe a few more users chime in as Supporters, and chat on the Lounge instead, but it's really not the same thing... not in the same sprit of community and all either. P-Bot and news are suddenly way more commented on, but the userbase is fractioned, I don't recognize most of those who post there now...

I still love this place, but some things could be better for sure.

Yeah, for sure. I still believe the 2012 UI was genuinely just better. Nostalgia reasons, sure, but also for all the reasons I gave. It's not like we got a cool new design that was awesome in its own right - we just got this minimalist garbage that all sites and companies are going to nowadays. Accessibility, to a certain extent, can remove the soul.

And yes, I'm proud of what Newgrounds has done for flash, honestly I'm more pissed st Adobe but I just hate Adobe anyways now and that'd be its own rant.

The closing of General is something I feel I can never forgive. I worry even if it were reopened, it wouldn't be the same anymore. So many people wouldn't end up coming back because they don't wanna see it happen again, and the only way for all the drama to go away is for mods to oversee EVERYTHING and allow NOTHING to get through that they don't want, and that's a whole new problem.

I completely agree. This site is complete and utter shit compared to what it once was. As someone who's been here since the early days (albeit with a different account), I think its safe to say this site died the day or shortly before the Tumblr migration happened. Now the site is a woke mess that shits on creativity and rewards mediocrity, a site where seemingly anything and anything gets allowed onto it in vain attempt to keep peoples interest, when back in the day, you had to prove your worth not to get blammed. Nowadays, you're lucky to blam a blank Scratch template someone downloaded off of the internet and put a single picture into. The site, and many of the people on it, have become the very thing they once used to mock, and it breaks my damn heart to see all of this happen, not to mention all the awesome flash games and animations that disappeared due to DMCA's and other such nonsense.

Yeah, I had a feeling you might feel the same as me on this. The Tumblr migration didn't do much great for the site except worsen its reputation as a porn site - and I know you know NG's history enough to know it used to be an issue back then too, and now it became a bigger one. You don't know how many people I've run into that only used Newgrounds for porn or avoided it because of the porn. It's genuinely sad. I wouldn't want to ban it all because Newgrounds allowing it shows the integrity of their mission to allow artists of all kinds to have complete creative freedom, plus, I get horny too sometimes, but I could take it or leave it - rule34.xxx exists.

@fuckoffasshole I agree

@fuckoffasshole @guyfromKillerRAT If only they hosted two seperate versions of the site (One thats like the old days and one thats what we have now) so we could choose which one we actually want to use.

I feel like it'd basically just quarantine the mobile users since I can't imagine someone choosing this over the old site.

@fuckoffasshole I wholeheartedly agree. Modern day Newgrounds is a corrupted, festering cesspool of overproduced woke mediocrity. Every time I try to give this site another chance, it stabs me in the heart with a corroded dagger radiating with the darkest, most cringe inducing magic one could conjure.

No more time for people to talk shit anymore. Newgrounds don’t like drama chat, trollers or people having fun. Only to accept it nowadays

Yeah, I just don't want to accept it.

I wasn't able to get the full old NG experience so idk much about that.

But nowadays I still feel kinda sad about general closing, I feel like a lot of people disappeared along with it, while also making interaction with other users less approachable.

Dude, 100%. I'm so much more confident messaging someone after I engaged with them on the forum than I am going to someone's profile unprovoked and just PMing them out of nowhere, usually because I get weird ass replies back like "y did u dm me" n shit. Plus, the forum not only made me more confident but also helped me decide who to talk to in the first place.

@guyfromKillerRAT Exactomondo. I still remember the days when there were porn ads everywhere on the site and the rate at which people posted their own parodies was slow enough for it to still be shocking / controversial whenever it happened. But sooner or later, it became the norm and when the whole Tumblr thing happened, that basically sealed this sites fate as another porn gallery. I dare you to look at your followed accounts recent activity, I guarantee you 99% of it will be porn or suggestive imagery. Or hell, just go to the art portal in general. You'll be lucky to find a normal piece of art.

Thank you for laughing at all my shitty posts love you guys

We love you too man

Damn. To be honest, I felt the same way. Sure, Discord is there, but what for? People in Discord ain't as good as in General, and it never will be. Newgrounds is the pinnacle of social media. It just isn't the same without our beloved Forum. I may still be new here, but that doesn't mean that I can't socialize or create fun memories with everyone here.

Edit: I tried to ask Tom to open the Forum every once in a while. I don't know if he'll just ignore or actually grant my plead. I don't know anymore. I miss the Forum.

He's likely to ignore it. I've done it too and probably many many more people have as well. Honestly, making news posts and spamming PMs linking them to everyone on my list is the closest thing I have now, and it still isn't the same and never will be. It does make me feel nice to see all these comments from people who I met on the forum.

Yeah, Discord honestly just sucks. I do meet some cool people on there, but I hate discord servers and usually can't really handle them. Most of the time I end up muting them and not participating at all. When I do participate, it goes south just about every time.

Tom made the wrong call but will never reverse his decision.

I envision the creation of "Newgrounds Hel." This is a proposed new
function of the site that uses a Large Language Model trained on Text-Based Toxicity. The Toxicity-Trained LLM places the Toxic Users in "Newgrounds Hel" as "Hel" is the proper spelling of "Hell." This is a copy of Newgrounds that is only different in one way. Users placed in this version cannot communicate with anyone other than others placed there as well. This is a Shadowban. It doesn't exist. The admins deny involvement. Don't listen to the Conspiracy Theorist. Newgrounds Hel does not exist. The level of Toxicity has gone down. Certain people seem to have dropped off. Maybe they just got bored...

funny shit man, actually that'd be hella cool if it was only used on people who genuinely needed it but unfortunately when you have mods like TurkeyOnAStick it's basically guaranteed that feature would be corrupted

@SignMyPetition @guyfromKillerRAT The same scenario plays out every time I try using Discord as well.

True that, less soul but... certain usability improvements too. I guess it all comes down to what you prioratize; how you define 'better'. For a lot of people that might be just a faster load time. Seems peoples aesthetic ideals change too, for a while everything was getting squired and flat, seems rounded corners and gradients are coming back again, so maybe visual design will too...

I do wish we had a balance. You could remove visual elements as resolution gets scaled down too, and just streamline for mobile resolutions. But a lot of the streamlining does feel like an effort to make the site more PG as well, like less guns, less tanks... at least we still have the level icons...

Hell yeah. I miss Fireworks too, they bought it along with Flash and Dreamweaver when they bought Macromedia, but ended up killing in favor of Photoshop. It was (and is, I still use it) the best digital design software to ever have been made IMHO.

That definitely is a danger... maybe they'll try opening it again when the userbase has shifted a bit; see if it can start again without the same drama. But then what's the point. It's not so easy to regain trust. If you kill free speech once - or alter it/limit it/somehow show that it's no longer a priority... the fear of things shutting down again will always be there. Users will censor themselves if naught else. Unfortunately General probably won't ever be exactly as free reign as it used to be, if it ever does come back. I'm still hoping though.

Well, I hope you won't forget.

Newgrounds looks like it used to be.

I'm sorry you're sad, good luck.

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