I mean it's kinda gross if you think about it. I mean either that's all silicone, or body fat, if it's silicone that's digusting cause it's fake, if it's body fat that means she's obese. But her torso, arms, and head seem to be normal, so I'm assuing that's silicone. And with how (what I assume are her) nipples size is so huge, it looks like a fucking tumour. Plus it'd suck for her anyway too. I mean, how can she carry something THAT heavy? Her back must really hurt. I've seen some big tits, but these are more than big. These are monstrous. And it must be hard having them. How does she even walk (or float) through doors? She's too wide. If you tried fucking her, her ass would be so big your penis would probably be a foot away from either whole if you go from behind, which if you're into this ass I assume you would go from behind. This doesn't look very pleasant.